Jackson Michigan Chorale

Jackson Michigan Chorale

Welcome to The Jackson Michigan Chorale!

We are a community-based educational singing non-profit organization consisting of nearly 100 active members. Our purpose and passion is to provide an opportunity for members of the Greater Jackson area to learn and perform some of the greatest choral music in the world. We provide opportunities for singers to perform in a variety of venues in large group chorale format as well as various small group formats. No auditions are required to be a part of the Jackson Michigan Chorale. You simply need to be high school age or older and have a desire to sing. Come join us!

“As long as we live, there is never enough singing.”

– Martin Luther



Rehearsal Information

Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Jackson Symphony Orchestra Weatherwax Hall at 215 W. Michigan Ave in Downtown Jackson, Michigan


Jackson Michigan Chorale